Late Sir Olaniwun Ajayi KJW.



Let us reflect through the profile of the late Isara leader, a foremost community leader, a very dear lover of Isara whose impact and achievement can never be swept under the carpet if and if truly we love Isara and we hope for more upcoming Isara sons and daughters to rise to stardom even beyond his achievement. 


Baba Ajayi as we all used to call him was an octogenarian who hailed from Isara Remo in Ogun State. He was the author of the book "ISARA AFOTAMODI MY JERUSALEM" published in 2011. 

He was born in the ancient town of Isara Remo then
Ijebu Province on Wednesday 8 April 1925 at Gbasemo compound, Itun Abe Isara Remo. At the time, the community was made up of farmers, hunters, and petty traders, Economic activities were simply basic and rudimentary. 

In his lifetime at Isara, he witnessed the reign of four Odemo of Isara. 

He was born in 1925 when Odemo Onabajo from Poke bi Owula ruling house was on the throne as the Odemo of Isara, he was very active during the reign of the great Odemo Akisanya the general Saaki, and history reveals a lot of actions to his credit in those period. 

He won't stop being in the limelight during the reign of Odemo Osideinde and Odemo Onadeko the last of the four Odemo of Isara he witnessed in his close to 100 years of existence. 

The late Sir Olaniwun Ajayi was a distinguished elder statesman and a Knight of John Wesley. He qualified as a Chartered Secretary in 1959 and was also called to Bar at Lincln Inn in 1962. He took a degree in Law at the London School of Economics and Political Science. 

In November 1962, he founded the law firm, Olaniwun Ajayi & Co. which is currently one of the leading law firms in the country. 

Sir Olaniwun Ajayi was a politician of note, He was an Afenifere chieftain and a loyal follower of the late sage Obafemi Awolowo. He served as commissioner for education and later as commissioner for health in the former Western State between 1972 and 1974. Yes! I think I want to emphasize on this; 

Baba Ajayi's political stride and history should not be forgotten, Baba as a patriotic son of Isara, used his political office and opportunity to bring fortune and development to Isara, He was not a selfish politician, the story of the State Hospital Isara Remo is not complete without mentioning his name. They say politicians do lobby, yes! baba Ajayi did. He lobbied to bring many of the social amenities we all are now enjoying at Isara today. 

During one of the electioneering campaigns at Isara, the former governor of Ogun State, baba Olusegun Osoba mentioned it that, the Odemo road was tarred by him on the demand of Baba Olaniwun Ajayi when he asked him what he would gift baba for mama's birthday.

Sir Olaniwun Ajayi touched every nook and corner of Isara. The visible projects are still visible as far as Isara is concerned; He was hugely involved in community development assignments like; The State Hospital at Isara, Isara police station, Isara post office, Isara Secondary School, Afotamodi Town hall, Afotamodi Festival and other financial support to the betterment of Isara. All these he did with humility and diligence. He loved Isara and he played front roles in the development of Isara before his death. 

He believed so much in Isara and ascribed Isara to his Jerusalem, he served as the Chairman of the defunct Isara Progressive Union and he also served as the second chairman of the Isara Community Development Council after the late Pa. Awo Odufuwa. 

On 29th June 2001, the late Sir OLaniwun Ajayi was honored by the IPU Ibadan branch with the title "GRAND LIFE PATRON". 

In 2014, Sir Olaniwun Ajayi was honored with the apex award in Isara "PROMINENT ISARA CITIZEN AWARD" PICA by the Isara Community Development Association following his immense contribution and support towards the development and progress of Isara Remo. 

In the early hours of Friday, 4th November 2016, the news of the transition to glory of Sir Olaniwun Ajayi rented the air, first at Isara then across Remo land before it came out in the national news that the Afenifere Chieftain passed on. The whole town was cold, everywhere was silent as the foremost community leader bowed out in style. 

Eminent personalities from all walks of life visited the Lakoro Boulevard of the late Sir Olaniwun Ajayi to pay tribute. 

His wake and funeral service were memorable ones in the history of Isara. It was like a carnival across the southwest as the burial of Sir Olaniwun Ajayi continued. There was a colloquium at Ile-Ife to the memory of Sir Olaniwun Ajayi. 

Indeed, Isara lost a great leader in community development. A few days ago, the 4th of November, 2023 was the 7th anniversary of the death of the great Philanthropist, Sir Olaniwun Ajayi KJW. May his soul continue to rest in peace. 

Let us do good and let us be good, 

Nobody knows tomorrow, 

Happy Afotamodi Festival to all of us, 

The sons and daughters of Isara Remo 

May we live to witness many Afotamodi festivals in good health and wellness... 

Osi Isara A gbe wa🙏

'Lanre Fidelity.


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