Awon Adugbo ati Agbo Ile Isara...






For sons and daughters of Isara Remo.

- By Saheed 'Lanre Fidelity

Tuesday, 8th November 2022

Afotamodi Festival is on point; the programs and activities for today Include:

- Primary School Talk Show Competition

- Junior Secondary School Essay Writing Competition

- Senior Secondary School Yoruba Talk Show

- Artist Night in the Town Hall among other activities



Isara Remo our dearly beloved town being an ancient town is blessed from time immemorial with different people of great influence in Nigeria who are from one quarter and compound or the other in Isara.

No one can lay claim to being an indigene of Isara without coming from one of these areas or compounds in Isara. 

Compounds (Agbo-Ile) are different from quarters(Adugbo), Isara quarters are many but it's worthy of note that it's possible to get 10 compounds or more in one quarter. 

Some examples of Isara quarters include Oke- Oja, Imose, Ijabata, Ajina, Majago, Sarepowo, Eredo, Moborode, Idi-Ape, Ayegbami, and so on like that. These quarters have streets and compounds in them today. 

I would have said quarters are tantamount to Adugbo but look at Ijabata Quarters alone, there are many streets, see Aiyegbami, etc. Therefore, maybe we can conclude to say, Agboole is the street 

For Example Majago, an ancient street in Isara has been in existence since over 500years ago, a fact which can be evident by some structures and sculptural works in some of the compounds in that quarter. We have well over 30 compounds in Majago quarters, and some of these compounds still expand to the other end of the road, talk of Lokowo, Oluwo, Ehinlomo, Kokutaru, Ojokoboye, Sofiyan, Kariwo, and so on like that. 

According to my findings, compounds at Isara are named based on

- Maybe it's a Royal family compound, for example, Ogunsere Compound at Ajina, Poke Compound at Ijabata, or Ojokoboye Compound at Majago, and so on like that.

- It can also be a Chieftaincy family compound like Agbo ile Oluwo, Ile Aro, Ile Lisa, and so on.

It can be maybe a compound of a Warlord and so on like that, but each of those compounds has been in existence for a very long time and it is founded by one reason or the other. 

For the records and based on my findings, I can say that Isara has many compounds and even some of these compounds, two to three of them have been linked together and are now called the same name as the most popular wins the name.

But the fact is, the elders know what is what and they can easily differentiate one compound from the other based on past knowledge and what it is called when they were young. 

Each of the compounds in Isara is headed by the compound head, (Olórí Agboolé or Báálé). The Olori Agboole is different from Olori Ebi and it is also different from Oloritun because the truth is different families can be seen in each Agboole.

That's when you will hear those babas saying, 

"Sh'ajo mse'omo agboole, sugbon, won shi  Ebi eni". But at times most of the people in most compounds are related. 

Then those grannies used to refer to some people in a compound as " Alabakale" like, they are not one of us but we permitted them to be with us.

It's very funny, most especially in Isara, one thing that's sure is that your parents may be related from one compound or the other, ki ven tan n'Ijabata, even a tan n'Aiyegbami😆. This is more viable if your both parents are from Isara... Ebi Okan nen ri dede eni🤪, "Shi Ibi Dapo" 😜.

I remember while growing up at Isara, my grandfather of blessed memory, (baba Esoe) would send me to our compound at Agboole Lamitakun, somewhere around Ago-Aro side, so inquisitive as I used to be, I would ask him, "baami, bawo la se je ni agboole yen?". He would explain then I keep it. That was how I know the almost 12 compounds I am related to at Isara from my both parents ooo. Well, I like history and I pay more attention to it😘

Okay! The following are some of the compounds we have in Isara, I can't mention all but let me write a little just to refresh the memory of Isara's sons and daughters home and away as we celebrate our prestigious Afotamodi Festival, I know if you read through, my write up will flash you back to memory lane...

1. Abogun compound, 

2. Ogunsere compound 

3. Awo compound

4. Alase compound

5. Jagun compound

6. Senuwa compound

7. Odu-Eringha compound

8. Kurege compound

9. Poke compound

10. Otunbakogun compound

11. Lusokan compound

12. Jongo compound 

13. Apena compound

14. Gusenmade compound

15. Degorusen compound

16. Majana-Ogun compound

17. Ayanfolu compound

18. Lisa compound

19. Otubola compound

20. Salubi compound

21. Ogunbotu compound

22. Oluwo solo compound

23. Oliwo Elekan-Oku compound

24. Sofiyan compound

25. Ladorin compound

26. Oliwo (2) compound

27. Kariwo compound

28. Agbangodo compound

29. Ehinlomo compound

30. Kokutaru compound

31. Lokowo compound

32. Elempe compound

33. Igan-Labiya compound

34. Erinfodoren compound

35. Lisa (2) compound

36. Defolalu compound

37. Moyo compound

38. Likoyi compound

39. Ebala compound

40. Likotun compound

41. Lamesa compound

42. Akalamasa compound

43. Fowogujoye compound

44. Bata compound

45. Ighaye (Iranye) compound

46. Birande compound

47. Laboki compound

48. Lamitakun compound

49. Alara compound

50. Aro Compound

51. Oselu compound

52. Likosi compound

53. Lodo compound

54. Sabolein compound

55. Ligu compound

56. Apagun compound

57. Login-Egba compound

58. Gbasemo compound

59. Lode-Isoku compound

60. Wengusen compound

61. Motoye compound, 

62. Mojibade (2) compound 

63. Ogbodo compound

64. Oliwo compound

65. Lisa's compound

66. Obelu compound

67. Deyoruwa compound

68. Tepasokun compound

69. Salu compound

70. Loku compound 

71. Lemo compound

72. Rosogun compound

73. Sigbaron compound

74. Fulolu compound

75. Ayoledoye

76. Otapona compound 

77. Mojibade compound 

78. Gbasemo (2) compound

79. Oliwo compound

80. Lurekun compound

81. Ogboku compound

82. Oluremo compound

83. Woru compound

84. Dodo compound

85. Laadorin compound

86. Aperin compound

87. Degorushen

88. Otunbakogun etc.

... And so on like that. The above are some of the compounds we have in Isara. Is good to know your compound as a bonafide Omo Afotamodi, teach your children, and tell them what they need to know back home. 

They may seem not to need it now but no one knows what the future tells, your children's grandchildren may need it. 

A lot of families migrated from Isara over 100years ago and today they are doing fine, their grand-parents told them that their forefathers came from Isara, a good example of this is the history of Igbogbo in Lagos today, the first Oba in Igbogbo migrated from Isara and till today, they are one of the ruling houses at Igbogbo.

Now they are tracing their history back home to Isara, they have all their evidence as having been told by their forefathers that Isara is their aboriginal home. 

That's just one out of over 20 examples I have come across during my search for authentic historical facts about the land. 

I have heard of one at Ibadan as well but not yet been confirmed. 

May God help us all to fulfill the dreams and mission of our forebears and help Isara move forward and progress now and always. 

Afotamodi Festival is a very very interesting celebration, the organizers are doing fine and working very hard behind the scene, but we need collaborative effort, do not stay back and watch from behind, let us be part of it.

Am planning to do live streaming of the events by the weekend just to beam it for those abroad to see, but will see how it goes sha. Olorun a ran wa lowo.

Happy 53rd Afotamodi Festival to all of us, sons and daughters of Isara. 

Emi wa to ri Odun yii lo ma se emin🙏 

Osi Isara a gbe wa ooo.

God bless Isara Afotamodi 

God bless all of us,

Long live Alaiyeluwa Oba

Albert Adebose Mayungbe

Erinsiba III

The Odemo of Isara

God bless me,

Saheed 'Lanre Fidelity.


Feel free to share for knowledge purposes, but acknowledgment is advised🙏


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