Afotamodi Festival by Saheed 'Lanre Fidelity




For sons and daughters of Isara Remo.

- By Saheed 'Lanre Fidelity

Monday, 27th September, 2021

Isara Remo is an ancient town in Remo land, Adeyemo Ode-Omo-Ooni an Ife Prince who by virtue of hunting Expedition came to finally settle down with his people in this present day Isara as one of the first settler in Remo division and he founded Isara in the 15th century along side his kins men (Ise-Orunmila and Aramfe).

Reason why sons and daughters of Isara are hailed by the cognomen "Omo Afotamodi" since long time ago...

...smiles! I have observed times without number when you hail anyone from Isara as " Omo Afotamodi K'ogun Ma Wolu", the fellow will be deposited with the spirit of enthusiasm which would be reiterated by warm smile signifying pleasure.

As a proud and erudite son of the soil, we feel pleased to be hailed as Omo Afotamodi K'ogun Ma Wolu.

In those days, war was never a news around the world. There was war everywhere in the world and African countries were never exempted as such. Even in Yoruba land, there was war among one ethnic groups and the other.

Adeyemo Odemo the founder of Isara, thought of what to do in order to avert the looming war from encroaching the boundaries of Isara. 

Adeyemo consulted the Ifa oracle base on the believe of our forefathers that Ifa is the diviner and the delightful when it comes to vision on what's going to happen and solutions to avoid it from happening.

The oracle instructed him to use Stones with our native science to build fence around the boundaries of Isara. This he did successfully with the assistance of the children and the people of Isara. 

Base on this fact is the bedrock within which sons and daughters of Isara are hailed with the cognomen "Omo Afotamodi K'ogun Ma Wolu".

All through those periods when war was ravaging around the world, though Isara was on ground but it was never recorded in history that war invade our dear Isara. 

But it's noteworthy to state that Isara accommodated some towns who came to seek refuge in Isara as a result of war in their aboriginal community from far and near in Yoruba land. Most of them are still in their new settlement where Odemo gave them to stay till today and some of them are part of the notable Remo 33 towns as we used to have it before it's expansion to about 47 today due to civilization. 


Afotamodi Festival is the brain-child of Isara Progressive Union (Egbe Itesiwaju Ilu Isara). There are lots of community development projects recorded to the achievements of IPU. A union that has branches both in Isara and foremost cities outside Isara, formed for the utmost growth and development of Isara. 

IPU implemented the project of tarring of all the township roads, a gesture which happens to be the first of it's kind in Remo division. 

The union organized the first ever Isara Development Fund Raising Rally which was held on Christmas Day, December 25, 1969, at the Market Square (Oke-Oja), Isara. 

Thus: Reasons why this year festival is 52nd Afotamodi festival; a festival to commemorate the anniversary of the coming together and rally to actualize fund raising for the development of Isara. 

Majority of our forefathers were farmers by profession. They stayed in their farms and would come home, to Isara, once or twice a month. 

The educated ones who were domiciled outside Isara like Lagos, Ibadan, Kano, Jos and other big cities stayed away from Isara most of the time. 

Although the town often appeared to be lonely and desolate, Isara, however is the sixth largest town in Ogun State. Some sons and daughters of Isara would prefer building their houses in Lagos or Ibadan or such other places but not in Isara. They would only build a house in Isara just to fulfil all obligations as Isara Indigenes but they would still stay away from Isara. 

This unsatisfactory state of affairs engaged the attention an thought of the leaders of the then IPU. Very often, Isara men and women always expressed the view that progress and development would make the town lively and active but in truth they never thought it could happen. 

At that time there was nothing like community festival in the whole of Remo divisions as we now have it today. There was something which was usually organized by way of get-together at Isonyin Ijebu every year which all the people in Isonyin always welcomed. 

The IPU leaders decided to do something of that type and that was what led to "Afotamodi Festival" which is Isara cognomen. 

It was thereafter recommended that Isara should have an annual festival and the festival be christened "Afotamodi Day". It was also recommended that as far as it's humanly possible, all Isara sons and daughters should be actively involved in the programme. 

After careful consideration on the harvest season of food crops in Isara, It was agreed that the festival should come up in the month of October. 

The recommendations was however accepted but slightly amended with respect to timing where the IPU added that the most advantageous and realistic time for the celebration should be during National Holiday; that is, first week in October so that it might be convenient for everybody to attend. 

Afotamodi festival is all-inclusive festive period which all sons and daughters of Isara at home and abroad, age groups, trade associations, farmers, Igede community in Isara, Hausa community in Isara and everyone  participate in its celebration.

The festival is born from the perspective view of  implementing one community development projects or the other. For example in 2019, the funds realized through donations during the period was used for health maintenance purpose at the state hospital and the refurbishment of the palace of the Odemo of Isara roofs.

This year Afotamodi festival is not going to be different as it has been tagged with the theme; "Harnessing Our Social, Educational and Cultural Values". With the developmental project of building a Public Health Center at Isara, a project Which shall commence soon by God's grace due to the donations received from sons and daughters of Isara in USA, UK, Nigeria and around the world.

The chairman of this year Afotamodi festival planning committee is the Erudite and amiable Mr. Francis 'Kunle Sojimi.  

Sons and daughters of Isara, I believe that the mission to further develop and project the progressive image of Isara is key and very possible when we all come together in unity to contribute in cash and in kind towards the achievement of our developmental missions. 

If our past leaders can do it in 1969 by putting in place community upliftment projects like the Hospital road, tarring of the township roads, building a post office for Isara, building a modern secondary school among other gestures, definitely we can do it possibly, if we can do away with politics of bitterness and implement positive political influence which will better tell on the progressive view of the town. 

May God help us to achieve it together. May the efforts of our forebears never be in vain.

HAPPY AFOTAMODI FESTIVAL to all of us sons and daughters of Isara Remo home and abroad, may we witness more of such.

Afotamodi festival starts today and it's going to be in place for one week featuring one activities and the other. 

Today is for Educational activities (Quiz, Debate and Essay competition). 

I dedicate this little piece to the memory of Isara past leaders like late Isaac Ifekoya the Lisa of Isara for many years, late Odemo Samuel Akisanya, late Chief Emoke Omoyele the Oluwo of Isara, late Chief George Leshi the Apena of Isara, late Sir. Olaniwun Ajayi (KJW), late Chief Dele Awoniyi, late Pa Emaanuel Awo Odufuwa, my late mentor whose only living Step-mom (Iya Oniresi Aya Adajo) died just this morning in person of Pa. JAS Talabi, late Pa Sunday Sonukan, late Pa Singuru Jolaoso, late Pa. Joseph Osideinde (baba Aladura) the Oluomo of Remo Land, my great-grand father late Chief Sodunke Olowoboriaye Sotunbo the Odofin of Isara, late Pa. Gbolahan Oshindele among others... May their souls rest in peace. 

God bless Isara,

God bless sons and daughters of Isara

Long live Our dear Odemo of Isara

Kabiyesi Alaiyeluwa Oba

Albert Adebose Mayungbe (Erinsiba III),

God bless me,

Saheed 'Lanre Fidelity.


Feel free to share for knowledge purpose,  but acknowledgement is advisable.


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